The overall objective of this study was to generate data and information for better UNICEF programming for marginalized adolescents in urban areas. The specific objectives of the study were to identify gaps in relation to urban adolescents focused on key six areas (education and skills, health and healthy behavior, enabling and protective environment, gender equality and equity, empowerment, civic engagement and participation, and livelihoods, assets and employment) prioritized by the Government of Nepal. The study was conducted through desk review, secondary analysis of data and qualitative survey. Qualitative information was collected from six urban areas; and the populations for this study were adolescents aged 12-19 years, their parents, school head teachers and health workers. This study was conducted for UNICEF.
The overall objective of the endline survey was to assess the effectiveness of the national ASRH programme in terms of the service utilization, satisfaction and health outcomes of young people in the selected project districts. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the effect of the introduction of adolescent-friendly services and measure any changes since the baseline survey and identify ways to improve the intervention’s implementation. The study was conducted in the four intervention districts of the national ASRH programme. Quantitative information was collected from a total of 2,970 adolescents (1,980 from intervention areas and 990 from control areas) aged 15-19 years (both in-school and out-of-school) were included in the study. Similarly, information was also collected through in-depth interviews with the health facility management and health service providers and adolescents of the study districts. This study was conducted for GFA Consulting Group GmbH, GIZ Health Sector Support Programme (HSSP) and Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP).
To address the needs of Rupandehi youth for safe abortion services, Ipas has planned to implement program to improve young women’s knowledge attitudes and skills concerning reproductive health care, and more specifically CAC. This study was initiated by Ipas in order to collect community level information on young women’s knowledge, attitudes and skills concerning reproductive health care, and more specifically CAC, which will be used to design intervention. The study will also establish benchmark for evaluating the impact of the subsequent intervention on young women’s knowledge of and skills in accessing CAC. The baseline survey was conducted in urban and rural areas of Rupandehi district. Information was collected from 600 married and unmarried young women between 16-24 years of age. This baseline survey was conducted for Ipas.
The overall objective of the study was to collect endline information on the knowledge, attitude and behavior relating to SRH issues of young people aged 10-24 years living in the project areas and compare the indicators with that of the baseline. The study covered 46 Village Development Committees/Municipalities of 18 RHIYA project districts and 4,905 adolescents and youth aged 10-24 from 2,720 households were included in the study. This study was conducted for EU/UNFPA/RHIYA.
The main objective of the study was to assess the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the in-school girls, in particular and that of their parents, schoolteachers, out-of-school girls and the members of the RHCCs, in general. The study was conducted in the program VDC of Baglung, Mahottari and Udayapur districts. A total of 15 VDCs and 16 schools were selected from three study districts comprising of both the in-school and out-school girls, their parents, and local level stakeholders were included in the study. This study was conducted for CEDPA Nepal.
The main purpose of the survey was to assess effects and impacts of the project on students’ knowledge, efficacy, and behaviors in the SC/US funded “Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health” (ASRH) project implemented in 53 public and private schools in 22 Village Development Committees (VDCs) and 2 municipalities at varying times and levels of intensity over a period of five years in Kailali district. A total of 10 schools (8 intervention and 2 non-intervention schools) was selected for the study and 1,644 students of both sexes currently enrolled in grades 9 and 10 were included in the study. Information was collected using a self-administered, structured questionnaire pertaining to the students’ own and family background, their attitudes, opinions regarding sexual and reproductive health and practices, and selected behaviors. Several of the questions were designed to reflect the content of the interventions. This study was conducted for Save the Children US.
The objective of the study was to collect baseline information on knowledge, attitudes and behavior (KAB) towards sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth at the time of the start of the project. The study covered 46 Village Development Committees/Municipalities of 18 RHIYA project districts and 4,926 adolescents and youth aged 10-24 from 2,720 households were included in the study. This study was conducted for EU/UNFPA/RHIYA.
The overall purpose of the MTV campaign, Staying Alive, is to create a social climate supportive of HIV prevention and care and support for youth.
The overall objectives of the campaign evaluation were to monitor the campaign implementation to determine where, when and how the campaign content is aired, to track linkages with local programs and referrals to local programs from the campaign. In addition the study assessed the level of knowledge of young people about HIV transmission and prevention behaviors, local HIV prevention and care and support programs, attitudes toward HIV prevention behaviors and treatment seeking, attitudes reflecting less stigma toward HIV prevention and care and support. The study was conducted in three different periods in the municipal areas of Kathmandu Valley covering 1,000 young people aged 16-19 years of both sexes in each round of the survey. The study was commissioned by the Family Health International (FHI) USA.
The objective of the program was to improve the SRH status of young people and increase the level of knowledge on SRH by creating favorable situation to adopt safe sexual behaviors and practices, thereby increasing the young people’s participation. The overall objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the SRH program in the project areas. The specific objectives of the study were to: assess the increase of level of knowledge on SRH; determine the impact of the utilization of SRH services; review the progress of the project implementation and performance; identify achievements, successful practices, weakness, gaps and problems/barriers with regard to project implementation and management; and identify the effectiveness of the activities undertaken to strengthen ASRH in particular with regard to community perceptions about the issues.
A total of 424 adolescents and youth aged 10-24 of the program areas were interviewed, 10 focus group discussions (FGDs) – five in each program areas were organized for qualitative information and in-depth interviews were also done with the volunteers of the youth centers to generate information required for the study. The study was conducted for Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) on the project Sexual and Reproductive Health Project of Young People in Nepal implemented by the Family Planning Association of Nepal under the technical and financial assistance from JOICFP, UNFPA and IPPF, in the urban and rural areas of Kathmandu Valley.
The “Meena Communication Initiative” (MCI), was implemented in collaboration with government and NGO partners through UNICEF to promote a “rights-based program”. “Meena” is a 13 episode animated film series. The issues covered in the Meena series include son preference, discriminatory treatment to girl children, and harmful practices such as early marriage and the dowry system. Meena, initiated in September 1998, covered 42 districts and around 874 Village Development Committees by 2003.
The overall objective of the evaluation study was to ascertain the impact of MCI on the lives of children and communities, particularly the influences on attitudinal and behavioral changes in the community in the program areas. Information was collected from 1,421 children aged 8-16 years (675 girls and 746 boys), 880 parents (440 fathers and 440 mothers) and 44 schoolteachers of eleven districts. This evaluation study was conducted for UNICEF.
The main objective of this study was to examine the level of understanding of reproductive health knowledge, practice, and behavior among the Nepalese population in the 14-22 years age group.
The survey was conducted in eight hills and terai districts, and five municipalities of the country. A total of 2,824 adolescents of both sexes from urban areas and 5,153 from rural areas were selected for interview. This survey was conducted for the Family Health International, USA.
It was an evaluation study of the Adolescent's Reproductive and Sexual Health Program (ARSHP) implemented in two districts (Kathmandu and Kailali) of Nepal through local partner implemented supported by SC US since 1999. The overall goal of the program was to improve the reproductive health of adolescents and youth in the community. The vision of the program was to empower adolescents and youths aged 10-21 years in making positive decisions and know essential life skills to ensure their health and well being through increased access to youth specific information and quality youth friendly services, ultimately improving quality of their life. The objectives of the study were to: a) evaluate the improvement in availability and access to quality “youth-friendly” RH services in the project area after the project, b) evaluate the change in RH knowledge, attitudes and practices of the adolescent boys and girls participating in the project, c) collect baseline information for the future programming, and d) evaluate the applicability of the ARH program in other districts of Nepal. Six hundred students (300 each from program and control schools) from Kathmandu and 800 students (400 each from program and control schools) from Kailali were selected to collect necessary information. Similarly, 400 out-of-school children (200 each from program and control area) of Kailali were selected from 10 VDCs (5 each from program and control areas). The study was done for the Save the Children US.
The main objective of the study was to obtain basic information regarding reproductive health knowledge, attitude, and practice of adolescents/youths of the FPAN working areas for ensuring improved reproductive health status of women, men, and adolescents/youths aged 10-24 years. Information was collected from Kavre, Dang, Kailali, Achham and Kanchanpur district. A total of 1,881 adolescents/youths from 914 households were selected for investigation purpose. This study was conducted for the Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN).
The overall objective of the study was to identify the level of knowledge of early adolescents on reproductive health and to recommend for necessary changes in school syllabus and course books of class five to nine. The study was conducted in the municipal areas of Kathmandu district. Data was collected from a total of 16 (8 private and 8 public) schools by interviewing 640 students of both sexes. The study was carried out for the Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE).
The main objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of adolescents in the field of sexual and reproductive health in addition to the examination of reproductive health status among them. This study covered seven districts from mountain, hills and terai regions of the country. The study was conducted for UNFPA.
This study was carried out in Kathmandu Valley. The overall objective of this study was to collect and analyze baseline information regarding sexual practices, attitudes, behavior and knowledge among male and female adolescents and the parents. Information was collected through 20 focus group discussions with male and female adolescents of 12-19 years, and the parents - 10 from urban and 10 from rural areas. This study conducted for Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN).
The objectives of the study were: a) to assess the extent of contraceptive prevalence of the project districts have been raised through increased access to reproductive health care services, including FP/MCH and contraceptive services, by increasing the knowledge level of women and youths; and b) to appraise the attitudes towards and participation in human sexuality education of the local people in the project implemented by FPAN titled "Vision 2000 Fund, Challenges for Change" in two districts -- Kapilvastu and Baitadi -- with the basic objective of improving the reproductive life of women. More than 1,700 women of reproductive age group, and about 800 adolescents of both sexes were represented in the study. The study was commissioned by Family Planning Association of Nepal.