The overall objective of the survey was to examine opinion of Nepali adult people between 18-70 years of age about the ongoing peace process which was initiated in 2006. The specific objectives of the survey were to: know institutional trust, know experience with and perceptions of the ongoing peace building process, solicit war related experiences, and understand causes of the civil war in Nepal, and views on the future including attitudes to reconciliation and future violence. This study was a nationally representative survey which covered all the five development regions of the country– eastern, central, western, mid-western and far-western regions; and rural urban residence. This study included a total of 1200 respondents (600 men and 600 women) which was representative of all development regions and rural/urban residences and gender. This study was conducted for SINTEF Technology and Society, Norway.
This study was carried out in 2014-15. The general objective of the study was to lay the groundwork for repeated long-term data collection on living conditions among persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Nepal, seconded by the specific objectives of (a) carrying out a representative nation-wide study on physical, social, economic and political participation among PWDs, and (b) generating a complete representative data set on living conditions among the PWDs. The study was carried out in 59 districts with representation of all the five development regions of the country. A total of 4000 households (2000 households having PWD and 2000 households not having PWD) were included, and 4123 persons (2123 PWDs and 2000 non-PWDs) were interviewed from these households. This study was conducted for SINTEF Technology and Society, Norway.
BBC Media Action has planned to conduct a nationally representative baseline survey to benchmark people’s knowledge, attitudes and practices with respect to major governance indicators. The primary objective of the study was to collect baseline data to estimate the reach and impact of three media intervention formats (Sajha Sawal, Katha Mitho Sarangiko and Sarangiko Bhala Kusari ) implemented by BBC Media Action. A total of 4,000 respondents (2,000 men and 2,000 women) aged 15 years and above were included in the study. Of these 3432 were from rural areas and 568 from urban areas.
BBC Media Action (formerly the BBC WST) started working in Nepal since July 2007 on the UNDP-funded project “Participation in Peace and Constitution Building in Nepal.” The aim of this project was to contribute to the transformation of the conflict in Nepal by increasing communities’ awareness and understanding of the root causes of conflict and to build their capacities to address them through two mass media outputs: Sajha Sawal (SS) - a political discussion programme on radio and television and Katha Mitho Sarangiko (KMS) - a radio drama. Currently the Trust is continuing the programme Sajha Sawal on governance under the project “Encouraging Peace and Good Governance through the Media in Nepal” and KMS with a magazine component Sarangiko Bhalakusari (SB) to address gender based violence (GBV) issues.
The study was conducted for BBC Media Action. The overall objective of this survey was to assess the impact of the two programs, namely Sajha Sawal and Katha Mitho Sarangi Ko particularly on the concepts related to governance and GBV. The survey was conducted in 23 districts of the country out of 68 districts covered by the BBC Media Action's partner FM radio stations. This was approximately one-fourth of the total districts covered by the partner radio stations. A total of 4,000 adults (2,000 active men and 2,000 active women) aged 15 years and above from the 23 sampled districts were included in the study.
The Saathi Sanga Manka Kura (SSMK) -- Chatting with my best friend in English – an infotainment radio program based on life skills initiated and supported by UNICEF in 2001, and is also UNICEF's core program promoting the participation of young people and children.
The overall objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, impact and sustainability of the program carried out under the partnership, to identify lessons learned and to provide guidance to the national counterparts, local implementing partners to strengthen and improve the program quality to realize the information rights of the young people.
The study was conducted in 15 districts representing all ecological and development regions of the country. A total of 1728 young people of both sexes aged 14-30 years were included in the study, of which 864 were the members of SSMK radio listeners’ club and another 864 were the non-members of the SSMK radio listeners’ club. Similarly, 200 key informants of the study areas were also interviewed from 15 study districts. In addition, senior officials from UNICEF central and regional offices including implanting partners were also included in the study.
The overall aim of the study was to identify the good practices and learning in the Project design and implementation to enable UNICEF and its partners to design a more effective, sustainable and inclusive second phase project for hand washing with soap and point-of-use water treatment. The survey was conducted in three districts, namely Panchthar, Kapilvastu and Dang. A total of 1350 mothers/caretakers, 135 school children, 213 frontline workers, 44 household goods shop owners, 16 district level stakeholders, seven producers/suppliers of water treatment products and soap, and three task force members were interviewed to collect necessary information using the structured and semi-structured interviews. Likewise, sex focus group discussions were organized among the village facilitators, members of CBOs/NGOs, school management committee members and health facility staff to solicit qualitative information. This final evaluation study was conducted for UNICEF.
This study conducted for Pact Inc, USA. Pact’s Women’s Empowerment Program (WEP) was initiated in 1995 with focus on three dimensions of empowerment: women’s literacy, an improved legal environment for women, and strengthening women’s participation in economic development. The second phase of the program was implemented from 1998 to 2001, and sought to integrate the program inputs among a more focused population of women in 21 districts, 19 of which lie in the Terai. The first phase of the program was implemented by eight partners and the second phase by two partners. In both phases, Pact was involved.
The overall objective of the study was to assess the impact of the program on the broad spectrum of WEP groups. A total of 450 WEP groups were selected from seven program districts. In addition, 45 replicated groups (using WEP model) were purposively sampled share their experiences. Similarly, interview with 153 each of the “former WEP members” and “low economic status women non-group members” was carried out to collect necessary information. Likewise, members of the 158 dissolved WEP groups were also contacted and interviewed.
The overall objective of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of the DPCP/DACAW frontline workers in improving the situation of children and women through Community Action Process (CAP). The study was conducted in eight districts representing both the hills and terai districts of the country. This study was conducted for UNICEF.
The Nepal Hand Washing with Soap Initiative aimed to contribute in the reduction of diarrhea incidences in Nepal for which UNICEF, in collaboration with the World Bank, USAID, government agencies, other public and private partners are drawing on the models and lessons learned from hand washing initiatives in several other countries to develop a Public Private Sector Partnership (PPP) that will leverage the funds and resources made available by the public sector. The overall objective of the initiative has been to reduce morbidity and mortality among children under five in Nepal through a coordinated communication campaign to prevent diarrhea by promoting proper hand washing with soap.
The overall objective of the study was to collect benchmark information, the findings of which could contribute in the design of an effective communication program to promote hand washing with soap as a practice to prevent diarrhea. The study covered eight districts representing both ecological as well as development regions. A total of 6,400 persons (3,200 mothers/caretakers of children under five and 3,200 adolescents aged 10-15 years) from 32 VDCs (4 from each district) were interviewed using the structured interviews technique. Likewise, 24 focus group discussions were organized among community leaders, school teachers, volunteers, NGO/CBO workers and mothers or caretakers of children under five to get qualitative information. The study was conducted for UNICEF.
This situation analysis carried out in 1996 for UNICEF, Nepal, was an exploratory work that attempted to bring together the existing data and information on the disability and to collate and assess them to establish the current state of knowledge of the existing social and living conditions of disabled in the country including their problems. It also tried to bring together the programs and policies of different government and non-government organizations working for the cause of disabilities, their scope, contents and strategies.
The study conducted for BPEP/DANIDA attempted to examine the extent of contribution of the project on improving the physical teaching/learning conditions of the project schools. The other aspects covered in this study were to assess the quality and quantity of construction and rehabilitation of the school buildings, to examine the deviations, if any, in the actual construction of new or rehabilitated classrooms from planned designs and assess the extent of community participation in the project sites. The study covered a total of 166 schools from the 10 districts representing both the ecological as well as development regions.
The basic objective of the study was to furnish baseline information on the status of human development in three districts namely, Banke, Salyan and Jajarkot of Mid-western Nepal. This study conducted for PLAN International, Nepal.
The main objective of this study was to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of the new mechanism of free textbook distribution of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Social Welfare in school year 1993. The study was conducted for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Nepal.
The objective of the study was to collect and compile information on the socio-economic and demographic aspects together with the status of existing resources and ongoing developmental activities, and to assess the future prospects and potentials of the district based on available resources, skills and cultural heritage. The study was commissioned by the Netherlands Development Organizations (SNV-Nepal).
The overall objective of this study was to provide an overview of the existing infrastructure and socio-economic conditions of the people so as to provide a basis for developing a physical plan of Diktel Bazaar, Khotang of the Eastern Development Region. The study was conducted for the Earthquake Affected Areas Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Project, Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning.
The purpose of the study was to identify site-specific production potential and to explore the ways, means, and methods for marketing goods produced by the existing and/or new economic activities for rural women in four districts - Dandeldhura, Achham, Doti and Bajura - of the Far-Western Development Regions. The study also sought to establish marketing channels for both inputs and outputs in the district and among the districts in the Far West and other neighboring districts. It was carried out for the Women Development Section of the Ministry of Local Development with the assistance from SNV-Nepal.
The overall objective of the study was to assess the performance of improved animal distribution program of the project including their survival rates, breeding management practices, their productivity, and feeding resources and practices, and management. The study was commissioned by K-BIRD Project.
The objective of the study was to prepare the profiles the 25 village development committees (18 of Rasuwa and 7 of Nuwakot districts) including socio-economic aspects and the demographic characteristics and the status of existing resources and ongoing developmental activities of the RNIRDP Project areas. The study was conducted for the Rasuwa-Nuwakot Rural Development Project, which was funded by the World Bank.
The main purpose of this study was to undertake an evaluation of RNIRDP Second Phase development programs and to assess the impact of the development schemes - agriculture, horticulture, livestock, forest, soil and water catchment area conservation, drinking water, irrigation, suspension bridges, mule tracks and motorable roads- on the life of the people of the Rasuwa and Nuwakot districts. The study was conducted for the Rasuwa-Nuwakot Integrated Rural Development Project.
Evaluation of the activities of the rural service centers supported by the K-BIRD Project under the funding of the Government of Canada was the main objective of the study. The rural service centers established in different parts of Surkhet, Dailekh and Jumla districts were meant to provide technical assistance and support at the grassroots level in the areas of agriculture, livestock, health and family planning, and family welfare.
The study commissioned by the Trail Bridge Building Program of the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV-Nepal). This study was focused on facilitating planning, programming and implementation of the bridge construction projects. A total of 20 sites were selected from the three districts to obtain the baseline information on socio-economic aspects of the project areas. The survey work covered around 1,000 households. In addition, the survey also covered key informants at the institutional and community level.
The study was aimed at identifying the most effective media publicity for various target population to create awareness among the people about the importance of banking activities, especially in the remote areas of the country under the aegis of the Banking Promotion Board of Nepal Rastra Bank. Ten districts representing both geographic as well as development regions were covered in this study.
The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the local development activities such as irrigation, drinking water supply, improved trails and suspension bridges in Surkhet, Dailekh and Jumla districts of Mid-Western Nepal. It was conducted for the Karnali-Bheri Integrated Rural Development (K-BIRD) Project.
The objectives of this study were to investigate the existing situation, and to estimate future prospects of Nepal-China border trade with special reference to the northern part of Darchula district of the Far-Western Nepal. It was carried out for the Remote Area Development Board, Ministry of Local Development, HMG/Nepal.