VaRG has provided its services and expertise to various national and international agencies mainly:
a) Government of Nepal
- Ministry of Health and Population
- Ministry of Local Development
- Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare
- National Planning Commission
b) International and bilateral agencies
- BBC Media Action
- CARE Nepal
- CEDPA Nepal
- Disabled Peoples Organizations Denmark
- Equal Access, USA
- Enabling State Programme, DFID
- Family Health International, USA
- German Technical Cooperation (GIZ)
- Heifer International Nepal
- Helen Keller International (HKI)
- Hesperian Foundation, USA
- Ipas, USA
- Jhpiego, USA
- JSI, Inc. USA
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Management Sciences for Health, USA
- Micronutrient Initiative, Canadian Cooperation Office
- Nepal Family Health Program
- PLAN International
- Pact Inc, USA
- Population Services International (PSI)
- Save the Children
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
- SNV/Nepal
- SINTEF Technology and Society, Norway
- The Futures Group, USA
- The Johns Hopkins University, USA
- Tufts University
- USAID/Nepal
- University of Heidelberg Project
- World Food Program
- World Neighbors
c) NGOs
- Family Planning Association of Nepal
- Nepal CRS Company
- Nepal Red Cross Society