• Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
  • 977-1-5523477
  • varg@wlink.com.np
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  • 977-1-5523477
  • varg@wlink.com.np


VaRG is managed by the Executive Director who is directly accountable to the Board and is supported by a core team of staff and senior advisors for operations. VaRG maintains a pool of competent and qualified experts/consultants. VaRG is capable of and fully equipped with the professional competencies including human and financial resources, infrastructures and facilities; and the established linkages with and networks to conduct large scale survey research, analysis and dissemination of results nationally and internationally through peer reviewed journals; implement action research with designed interventions to bring positive impacts in health, education and other development areas. VaRG’s expertise lies on addressing a wide range of development issues. It functions as a professional organization by ensuring high quality, standard and objectivity of its work.


Human Resources

VaRG maintains a roster of large pool of professionals which includes economists, marketing specialists, sociologists, anthropologists, rural development experts, communication specialists, demographers, health specialists, educationists, statisticians, engineers, GIS/GPS experts, surveyors, digitizers, training specialists, geographers, geologists, and agriculturists. Likewise, it has a large number of trained field researchers (Kathmandu and local based) from which it draws upon depending upon the need and nature of the work.